Monday, March 05, 2007

Unplanned Situations

-Unplanned Situations
It's painful just to say, "I'll let you go".
The tears that fall, tells me how much I love you so.
By the phone, I waited to only hear your lovely voice,
I guess maybe so, that this was my only choice.

By your bed, by your side,
I only wanted to hum your lullaby songs.
I only wanted to sing to you inside this labryinth of four walls.
Could I stay awhile? Could I stay with you, on this pony ride?

Perhaps sometimes fate denied us so.
So hard it is, to slide into your morning.
Friend or foe?
I do not know.

1 year, I had flew on your angel wings.
Above the white clouds, I thought I flew above all.
Above the carribean sea, I thought I wouldn't fall.
But oh wow did it hurt alot, to actually tumble down from such a height.

Like a leech, it slowly ate my heart away.
Perhaps now, it's much easier for me to say,
"Darling, let me go."
"Cos I love you so much so."

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Life's Irony

-Life's Irony

How humble the eyes that they may seem,
and yet they have such extraordinary powers.
Perfect or flawed; Simple or pretentious.
Our mind sees, what our eyes chooses to see.

This is life, and its irony.
This is us, and our resolution.
We fear death, while we seek it.
We enjoy life, because there's an ending.

The religions we seem to speak up for,
ensnares us like webs.
Just like hiking a mountain,
and reaching its summit, before

realising that we have scaled the wrong wall.
To how foolish it may seems,
that we may laugh at others for not having aspirations,
and yet like mountaineers we might have journeyed the wrong path.

Honestly. We are merely actors in life,
putting on what others expect of us.
And what lies beneath the mask -
no one knows.

It doesn't matter how we feel inside.
As like performers on stage,
we leave behind, the bits and pieces of our emotions,
and appear like winners, like champions.

The face - what a magnificent catalyst.
It portrays yourself to others,
while concealing your truest identity,
having two contradictive expressions on the outside and the inside.

This is it, like puppets we are manipulated.
And just the same, we manipulate others.
We are probably designed to kill,
not our preys, but of our own kind.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Fallen Religion

-The Fallen Religion

The faith of the fallen,
it seeks no believers.
The cross; it has made history.
It has given false hope.

Our makers, they mock at our betise.
The human race, so gullible.
Chosen to make beliefs that He will salvage us.
That He, will guide us to utopia.

Man's folly - they are keenly bereft of hope.
They desire beatitude.
They yearn for their seventh heaven.
They fall for such gibberish.

Infact, we are all still in our deepest slumbers.
We are vulnerable to propaganda.
We should not follow,
we should forge our own destiny.

We are all trapped in the stasis of darkness.
There is no truth of afterlife.
Manipulated by groundless beliefs;
no words will suffice to unravel this deceive.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

How foolish

-How foolish

I had no idea, why had my tears decided to fall this time.
And my heart, it wrenches and aches,
it feels the sharp pangs of loneliness,
it cries out, and to someone in particular.

Reminiscence; Reminiscent about the moments we once had.
A pain, it tugs and pulls my heart apart.
Slowly.. But definitely painful. definitely.
Memories. Heartaches. Sadness. Does it matter?

Gradually, the sight of you fades in the distant,
but I can't help but to continue clinging on.
To what? To chance? Hope? Maybe. Maybe so..
I do not know, I do not know.

It's hard to let go, truely.
Had never expected it to fall so deep,
so serious, so painful.
Regret? never did. But it hurts.

The first sight, it took my heart away.
Given up before, but had never stopped loving.
Haha what irony. And to think that,
I deceived myself into liking another.

17 years, the heart took its time to strengthen,
and yet it shatters completely all in a second.
How fragile it seems, that all the hardships it had braved through,
had not the least prepared it for this.

To think that this whole time might be real.
How foolish - in believing in something
that wasn't really there from the start.
Best of all, it never started. It never did.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


It's time, the season has indeed blown over.
Filled with white laced clouds,
green four-leaf clovers.
Rivers lined with rainbow-striped trouts.

It's time, it's time for a walking in the plains.
In the vastness of its serenity,
graced tall light-weighted shrubbery.
Amidst of it all, stood a fine young beauty.

Delicately gathering bright yellow flowers,
she stood the loveliest of them all.
it's perfect, it's all perfect -
The perfect portrait.

Hesitant to advance any further,
I stood from a distance, admiring her graciousness,
her every move, and the gentlest of her touch.
Her sweet perfume -

Its scent carried off with the wind.
Her face; revealing glints of joy.
Those eyes; they bring back memories.
Oh miss lovely, is this all part of your evil ploy?
In which to trap me in all these deceiving fantasies!