Monday, June 01, 2009



I have a friend that doesnt wanna say goodbye to you.
Where rucks and mauls were all you ever asked.
But today it seems you broke whatever that was once true,
and turned them all into dust.

I spoke of someone whose heart never left,
whose tears he held back.
6 of may he tried his very best,
to smile and laugh amidst this mess.

He was hesitant in his tone,
but I could almost hear his every tear.
That day it felt like she had left him all alone;
thrown him back into the depths of misery.

Now isnt it sad that time waits for no one ?
That it doesnt linger in times of sadness,
nor does it stay in times of laughters.
We have all been so gullible.

Words of no weight.
Life of its fragility.
Promises that we all hate.
Lies, that our eyes do not see.

Have we lost it..
Have we all lost it..
Fooled by our very need.
Obligated by the slightest of things.

Will someone save you?
shout out, and try saving yourself.
Cos in this obvlivion,
the more you cry, the more you burn..