Thursday, January 18, 2007

How foolish

-How foolish

I had no idea, why had my tears decided to fall this time.
And my heart, it wrenches and aches,
it feels the sharp pangs of loneliness,
it cries out, and to someone in particular.

Reminiscence; Reminiscent about the moments we once had.
A pain, it tugs and pulls my heart apart.
Slowly.. But definitely painful. definitely.
Memories. Heartaches. Sadness. Does it matter?

Gradually, the sight of you fades in the distant,
but I can't help but to continue clinging on.
To what? To chance? Hope? Maybe. Maybe so..
I do not know, I do not know.

It's hard to let go, truely.
Had never expected it to fall so deep,
so serious, so painful.
Regret? never did. But it hurts.

The first sight, it took my heart away.
Given up before, but had never stopped loving.
Haha what irony. And to think that,
I deceived myself into liking another.

17 years, the heart took its time to strengthen,
and yet it shatters completely all in a second.
How fragile it seems, that all the hardships it had braved through,
had not the least prepared it for this.

To think that this whole time might be real.
How foolish - in believing in something
that wasn't really there from the start.
Best of all, it never started. It never did.

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